People, get ready! The 21st century is here! There is more than one way to think about what to do with your body when (not if) death comes. Ian Sutton, a reporter for 50+ years, has done extensive research and provides detailed information on the latest in affordable and eco-friendly disposition alternatives. This book is a veritable field manual on making important decisions at the end of life. I am particularly grateful that he tackles the problem of funeral poverty, demanding that we examine our commonly held belief that we must spend more to prove our esteem for the deceased. -- Sara Williams, President, Funeral Consumers Alliance
It was an absolute pleasure reading this book, Bravo wonderful read! I do agree, this conversation is of the upmost importance. “Pardon or Dust: Decisions for the End Life" is by far and away the most comprehensive collection of thought-provoking information concerning disposition options available to society today. Ian Sutton has created a dialogue that allows the reader to digest this information in a way that makes the subject of death, dying and the treatment of the deceased most palatable. A must read for all who have questions and concerns that need to be addressed concerning their and their loved ones’ end-of-life choices. -- Ed Bixby, President, Global Green Burial Alliance, New Jersey
The topic of your book gets at something essential that’s still not being talked about enough among policy makers and designers. -- Carlton Basmajian, PhD, Associate Professor of Regional Planning, Iowa State University.
I find the book both timely and extremely important. The well researched piece on the impact of the baby boomer generation dying clear defines what we all need to look at carefully as we prepare for a certain wave of death we have never before experienced on good old planet earth. A must read for policy makers, healthcare workers, and families as we all need to prepare to avoid the chaos of unplanned deaths. Reverend Stephen Garrett, MA, Death Educator-End of Life Coach, Vancouver, British Columbia
The author of this practical, accessible resource for end-of-life decisions is a Canadian journalist, Ian Sutton. He has done his homework to compile a survey of data and experience from many nations, including the USA, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands and Australia. End of life decisions are, not surprisingly, influenced by the larger issues which face the planet and the global community. At present, these issues are: the cost of living and dying; the effect of burial on the environment; the lack of space in traditional cemeteries; and the religious, cultural and social traditions which inform family life in our multicultural societies. The author sets out the challenges for all of us in facing our end of life in simple language and chapter by chapter presentations of our choices. In each of the choices examined in this resource, the accompanying financial, environmental and social effects are made – review by The Ottawa Funeral Co-operative